About Me

Since graduating last May from Central College with a triple major in Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics, I have been enjoying myself as a Software Developer at CMMS Data Group. I had the fortune of being hired at the beginning of a new software application, so I've been able to maintain both our old application, and be there for the beginning of our new program.

During my time at Central I studied a semester in Bangor, Wales and enjoyed getting involved in various aspects of campus. I started all 4 years on the Men's Soccer team, was an active member on the Campus Activities Board, served as a Student Senator, was a leader in the Student Orientation Services, tutored various classes, worked as a technician in IT Services, played in the College/Community Orchestra, was a member on our senior class project, and had a lead role in a theater play! In my free time, I enjoy challenging myself with various projects and play in a variety of sports leagues. Some of the projects I have worked on can be found in the portfolio section!

Contact Details

Nicholas Lutsch
19 West Ellington Court
South Elgin, IL 60177

(847) 899-3677


Central College

B.A. in Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics May 2015

Throughout the required coursework necessary to complete 3 majors in a liberal arts education and the various activities I have been involved in, I have gathered a very unique and diverse skill set. Although I have been very involved I always made an effort to hold high priority to the things I deemed most important, which to an aspiring Software Developer/Engineer, was my Computer Science coursework and projects.

Bangor University

Semester Abroad June 2013

Spring Semester of my Sophomore year I studied at Bangor University in Bangor, Wales. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. I had the privilege to travel through much of Europe and immerse myself in British cultre, all while keeping up with my studies. I was able to take several Computer Science and Electrical Engineering courses while enjoying myself in unique classes such as Outdoor Pursuits, where we spent one day a week trying new activities such as sailing, surfing, rock climbing, and many more!


CMMS Data Group

Software Developer June 2015 - Present

At CMMS Data Group I have learned a lot and goined some great experience developing web applications on the ASP.Net platform. The existing flagship software uses Microsoft Web Forms, on which I have added functionality and fixed bugs. We recently began developing version 2 of our flagship software in ASP.Net MVC, where I have had the priveledge to help design the application and lay some of the server-side (C#, SQL, etc.) and client-side (javascript, html, less/css) framework.

Cadence Health

Student IT Intern June 2014 - August 2014

At Cadence Health 3 other interns and I were given many integrated tests for Epic's software suite. Our job was to write automated testing scritps for them. We utilized project management, teamwork, and development skills.

Central College

ITS Technician, Tutor August 2011 - Present

At Central College I have taken several different positions. As an ITS Technician, I repaired student and campus computers and helped upgrade the network infrastructure. I also tutor various Math, Physics, and Computer Science classes.


Student Senate

Student Senator August 2014 - Present

As a Student Senator, I act as a bridge between the student body and the College's Administration. In addition to this, I serve on a variety of faculty committees as student representatives, pass budget requests from campus organizations, and facilitate student-faculty relations.

Campus Activities Board

Tech Coordinator, Event Planner August 2013 - Present

As the Tech Coordinator for the Campus Activities Board I help plan and run campus events, oversee all technical details of events (sound, lighting, etc.) and manage all student organization equipment.

Student Orientation Services

Student Leader June 2012 - Present

As a Student Orientation Services Leader, I am responsible for 10-15 incoming students. I serve as a contact point for any questions that they have and keep them informed. I lead them through Welcome Week activities and also lead Freshman Orientation.


Here is a shortened list of some of the skills I possess and my comfort level/ knowledge with them:

  • C#
  • Javascript/jQuery
  • SQL
  • C++
  • Java
  • Objective-C/iOS
  • Mathematica/Matlab

Client Testimonials

  • Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

    Steve Jobs
  • Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

    Martin Golding
  • Any fool can write code that a computer understands. Great programmers write code that humans can understand.

    Martin Fowler

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